In the next 90 seconds you'll discover 5 CRITICAL BLIND SPOTS keeping leaders from living above their life and business.

Download our FREE GUIDE to learn some of the basic strategies used by over 100 of our clients ranging from $200k/year to $200,000,000/year in annual revenue.

DIAGNOSE and SOLVE 5 of the most common blind spots overlooked by most leaders.


We help Leaders & Organizations go from living under their life and business to above their life and business.

If the word 'coaching' or 'mastermind' makes you skeptical, we're with you. It's not that we're opposed to either, we just don't like what most of the industry has become. More specifically, we don't like how most programs will give you a bunch of information but won't implement it with you. Our philosophy is that if you're hiring us, you're not paying us for information. You're paying us to implement real time solutions with you. Every solution we provide for you, we build from start to finish WITH you to guarantee the results you're paying for. Otherwise, why would you be hiring us?

The core problem we solve for Leaders & Organizations is maxed out capacity creating constraints around scaling. A common problem for leaders is that the only area of life or business that is properly functioning is the one that they're currently focused on while the other areas seem to suffer. As soon as they shift their focus elsewhere, something else begins to suffer - an endless and seemingly unsolvable puzzle. VIVALL Group specializes in building and implementing systems/frameworks that allow leaders and organizations to scale both life AND business simultaneously and sustainably.

How the VĪVALL OS Helps

leaders live above

  • Blueprint

    A system for what to say 'Yes & No' to rooted in your beliefs, values, purpose, and vision

  • Mindset Transformation

    Guaranteed removal of your greatest mental limitations

  • C4 Leadership Development

    Strategy to scale the 4 core areas of your personal leadership

  • Strategic Planning + Execution

    Knowing that what you're doing today actually translates to and moves the needle on your 10 Year Vision

  • Scaling Culture

    A systematic approach to getting your people to think, act, and make decisions like you. Creating scalable DNA in your organization & a hiring strategy to consistently bring on and retain the right people

  • Daily, Weekly, Quarterly, & Annual Execution System: Fully Integrated

    Building and integrating everything we create into your daily life and calendar

  • 1v1 Coaching

    4-6 months of weekly 1v1 strategy and performance consulting with your strategist

  • Accountability Box

    Guaranteed mechanism to hit 90% or more of ANY goal you set personally and professionally

  • Full Custom App Access

    Complete integration into the VIVALL app including full access to VIVALL Academy

  • Community

    Complete access to the VIVALL Community, weekly group coaching, newsletter, networking, and communication channel

About Daniel Wilgenbusch

Daniel and Kaitlin have been together since 2016 and became parents in 2022 to their daughter Noelle. They moved Jan. 2023 from San Diego to help expand their church as volunteers to its 9th location and have fallen in love with Idaho since making the move. Professionally, Daniel is VĪVALL Group’s Lead Strategist and Strategist Director. Since 2012, he’s been the #1 sales rep for a $3B company, grown multiple teams to 300-400 people, and now regularly helps his clients attain their largest quarters and years in business and most balanced years in their personal lives.

Daniel was seeking strategy and scaling solutions for both his life and his 2 businesses in 2020 finding VĪVALL at just the right time, he became their first client. The impact and outcomes of the Operating System were so dramatic for him, he chose to leave his 2 previous businesses and dedicate himself entirely to helping scale and grow the future and vision of VĪVALL Group, its owner Alex, and their clients.